2025 Camp Dates

Camp Day: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Week 1 June 9-13

Week 2 June 16-20

Week 3 June 23-27

Week 4 June 30- July 2 (3 day week) 

Week 5 July 7-11

Week 6 July 14- 18

Week 7 July 21 -25

2025 Camp Rates

Online registration for Summer 2025 is Open! 

REGISTRATION FEE: At the time of enrollment, there is a $25 non refundable registration This fee is charged once per summer. 

DEPOSIT: In addition to the registration fee, a $50 deposit per child, per camp week, is due at the time of enrollment in order to secure the spot. The deposit goes toward the camp session fees.

Camp Weekly Rate: $400  Full Tuition Rate

CIT Rates:  $200 per session

Special 15th Summer Discount -  15% off Tuition during the first 15 days of Online Registration, January 15 - January 31, 2025.   Weekly Rate $340

Early Registration  10% off tuition Feb 1 -  April 30, 2025.  Weekly Rate $360

Rates can be combined with the Sibling Discount - 5% discount  (automatically applied to 2nd and subsequent registered family members at camp registration)

Additional Available Discounts: 

To inquire about any of the additional discounts listed below please e-mail heather.pack@summitridgedaycamp.com prior to payment in full.   We are unable to do refunds after full payment is made.

Educator Discount - 10% discount for local educators.  Discount is applied manually after deposit is made and educator is verfied.

HIS Family Discount- 5% to current and future families attending HIS for the 25-26 school year.  Discount applied after deposit is made and enrollment is verified.

Camper Fees

By submitting your camper’s application, you are accepting responsibility for payment of the full tuition for your camper’s enrollment. All camp fees must be paid in full by June 1, 2025 or the camper family must be on an established payment plan.

Payment Plans

Camp families have payment options:


No refunds are guaranteed after May 1, for any reason. Please see complete registration and cancellation policies listed below.

Registration and Cancellation Policies

Terms and Conditions

I have read the Camp Information page provided on the camp’s website (www.SummitRidgeDayCamp.com) and understand its content and attendance policy.  Deposits made at time of registration are non-refundable.  Timely payment of camp fees, in accordance to the camp payment schedule is essential to the operating budget of Summit Ridge Day Camp. Cancelled camp and refund requests must be submitted in writing and are given at Camp Director’s discretion. No refunds are guaranteed after May 1st, for any reason.  Please refer to the 2025 Camp Policies and Tuition pages for further details.

I do hereby authorize Summit Ridge Day Camp (SRDC)/ Henderson International School (HIS) to provide immediate medical care, including the administration of manual AED-assisted CPR, Heimlich maneuver, oxygen, administration of allergy medications, Epi- Pens (according to students prescriptions) or other minor medical care as determined by the camp staff or school administration.   In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize SRDC/ HIS, its administrators and members of the staff to activate the 9-1-1 emergency response system. I further consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which may be deemed advisable by and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician or surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act on the medical staff of any accredited hospital.

In the event of a medical emergency, and if SRDC/HIS personnel are unable to reach the parent(s), I give consent in loco parentis to any doctor or medical facility to administer life-saving medical or surgical treatment and care for my child. I understand and agree that I am responsible for any and all costs associated with providing emergency medical care to my child. As such, I agree to reimburse HIS/SRDC within 15 days for any costs HIS/SRDC may incur on my behalf as a result of providing emergency medical care to my child.

I understand that part of the camping experience involves activities (including but not limited to swimming) and interactions that may be new to my child, and that they hold certain risks. I am aware of these risks and I am assuming them on behalf of my child. I have instructed my child on the importance of abiding by the camp’s rules and as well following directions given to him/her to ensure their safety and well-being. If I choose not to have my child participate in a camp activity, I will inform the Camp Director and/or my child’s counselor in writing.

I understand that at times SRDC/ HIS is asked to release information regarding my child/children to school personnel, representatives of welfare, licensing and regulatory agencies, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and any other person(s) who are deemed as serving in an official capacity as it pertains to the health, safety, and welfare of my child/children. If an inquiry regarding my child/children is from an entity other than a school or licensing agency personnel, I will be informed of the information requested.

I understand Summit Ridge Day Camp/HIS will make every effort to accommodate grouping requests, however, placement may not be guaranteed.

I agree to allow Summit Ridge Day Camp/HIS, it’s nominees, and assign the right to record my child’s/ children’s image and/or voice and consent to allow the camp the perpetual right to use or reproduce this material in any and all media known or hereinafter devised without compensation.

I give permission for the staff at Summit Ridge Day Camp to apply a sunscreen product that is broad spectrum with SPF 30 or higher to my child, when playing outside or using the swimming pool. I understand that sunscreen may be applied to exposed skin, including but not limited to the face (except eyelids), tops of ears, nose, bare shoulders, arms and legs. If I choose not to allow a staff member to apply sunscreen, I will inform the Camp Director and/or my child’s counselor in writing.

Your credit card will be kept on file for any ancillary charges such as; Extended Care, additional camp days, and our lunch program.

I understand that Summit Ridge Day Camp’s duties and obligations under these Terms and Conditions shall be suspended immediately and without notice during all periods that the Camp is closed because of force majeure events including, but not limited to, any fire, hurricane, war, government action, act of terrorism, epidemic, pandemic or any other event beyond the camp’s control.  If such an event occurs, Summit Ridge Day Camp, duties and obligations in these Terms and Conditions will be postponed until such time as the camp, in its sole discretion, may safely re-open.  IN the event that camp cannot reopen due to an event under the clause, the camp is under no obligation to refund any portion of tuition paid. Unless otherwise indicated by the camp, during any force majeure period, the parent and/or guardian shall be solely responsible for the safety and well-being of the camper.

Neither failure by SRDC/HIS to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions, nor oral statements made by SRDC/HIS personnel, shall constitute a waiver of the right to enforce any provision of these terms and agreements.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed under the law which SRDC/HIS is located. The venue of any action hereunder shall lie exclusively within the county in which SRDC/HIS is located and the parties here to consent to personal judication and expressly waive all rights to trial by jury.

Extended Care Registration

Details on Extended Care will be available soon.

Summit Ridge Day Camp Lunch Program

Details on Lunch Program 2025 will be available soon.